Examples of Multiuse trail in a sentence
The entire width of the Multi-use trail must be cleared within twenty-four (24) hours after the snow has stopped falling.
No vehicles permitted on Multi-use trail, Spencer ramp or in picnic areas for loading or unloading of food and supplies without approval of the Event Coordinator and a State Parks Monitor present.Group reservations do not guarantee parking.
There are also much smaller and condospecific initiatives from private citizens, who have created blogs or Web sites to create and maintain a very local community (e.g. PaoloSarpi108, Pesciolino9, Scarsellini10, this latter involved in a user study that has been recently reported in Cho and Rogel (2013).
The park includes a playground (tire play area, swings, and a basketball court) and is a potential community park site.• Bay Crest Trail: Multi-use trail connecting Woodridge Drive to Bay Horizon Park.• Halverson Park: 4.7 acres on Cedar Avenue.
Multi-use trail design issues and innovations: for engineers, landscape architects, and others involved in trail design, including both in-house and non-City professionals.
Multiuse trail bridges or underpasses should apply in this application category instead of the Pedestrian Facilities application category given the nature of the users and the higher maximum award amount.
The presence of ―social support‖ (i.e. walking buddies, organized group walks, specific days/times, etc.) was the primary factor (19% walkers; 50% non-walkers) indicated by non-walkers in contributing to walking on the towpath.
Multi-use trail access points must be approved by the Westfield Parks & Recreation Department, as outlined in Policy PK 06-11, per Ordinance 11-22.
Multi-use trail signs designed to guide cyclists to their destinations must be provided.
Multi-use trail means a way or place, the use of which is controlled by the City as an owner of real property, designated by the multi-use recreational trail maps, as approved by the City Council, and no multi use trail shall be considered as a street or highway.And adding:RESALE ITEMS 724.95ANSER IOWA ANSWERING SERVICE 188.00ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES UNIFORM 621.10BEACH & ENKE TRUCKING MISCHARGE/CORRECTION 8,631.92 BROWN SUPPLY CO.