Mutual Recognition Agreements definition
Examples of Mutual Recognition Agreements in a sentence
The terms of the Mutual Recognition Agreements of conformity assessment systems and equivalence of the technical regulations shall be defined in each case by the competent bodies, which, inter alia, shall establish the conditions and terms of compliance.
The Parties and the Signatory Parties shall meet whenever necessary, in order to discuss ways of enhancing and improving cooperation, with a view to commencing negotiations on Mutual Recognition Agreements.
In May 1997, the WPPS developed Guidelines for the Negotiation of Mutual Recognition Agreements in the Accountancy Sector, adopted by the WTO.
The Parties and Signatory Parties, in order to facilitate trade, may commence negotiations with a view to the signing of Mutual Recognition Agreements between competent bodies in the areas of technical regulation, conformity assessment and metrology based on the WTO/TBT Agreement principles and the international references in each matter.
Each Party shall submit annually a report to the Joint Committee on the progress of the negotiations on Mutual Recognition Agreements.
According to the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Mutual Recognition Agreements: ‘Conformity assessment means systematic examination to determine the extent to which a product, process or service fulfils specified requirements’.
The Parties shall also try and explore the possibilities of Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) in mutually agreed areas.
NIST is helping to develop Mutual Recognition Agreements that specify conditions under which testing for conformance with foreign and international standards can be done within the United States.
The AEO status in the form of AEOC is currently not taken into account with respect to Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) with third countries.
The bilateral cooperation shall include opportunities to promote technical cooperation between regulatory agencies such as, information sharing, training programme to improve and update technical knowledge of the concerned personnel of both the Parties, facilitate the acceptance of technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures in the most efficient way possible, including mechanisms such as Mutual Recognition Agreements in mutually agreed areas.