Examples of National Intelligence Agency in a sentence
The Act applies to all employees and employers except members of the National Defence Force, National Intelligence Agency, South African Secret Service and unpaid volunteers working for an organisation with a charitable purpose.
The law allows all workers, with the exception of members of the National Intelligence Agency and the Secret Service, to form and join unions of their choice without previous authorization or excessive requirements.
Security screening of appointed members is to be done in conjunction with the National Intelligence Agency to ensure integrity and security of information.
A copy of the Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS) manual can be obtained from the National Intelligence Agency.
The designated role of the Director-General in the Presidency obliges him to preside over official funeral matters; and there is a description in the Manual of what other role-players are expected to do, including the Heads of the South African National Defence Force, the South African Police Service, the departments of Public Works, Foreign Affairs, Transport, Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) and National Intelligence Agency (NIA).
IARPA/Office of the Department of National Intelligence Agency has option to create own dark archive, subject to Section 6 trigger events and distribution under Publisher Member’s Re-Use License If Publisher Member does not make a VOR publicly accessible on its website, but does make an AM publicly accessible on its website, Agency will link in a prominent manner to the AM on the Publisher Member website for those Publisher Members that prompt authors to submit AMs to Agency.
Agence nationale de renseignement (ANR) Détection Militaire des Activités Anti-Patrie (DMIAP) Conseil de Sécurité de l’Etat (CSE) Direction Générale des Migrations (DGM) Force d’Intervention de la Capitale (FIC) Police d’Intervention Rapide (PIR) Unité Spéciale Présidentielle (USP)The National Intelligence Agency.
There was no information about the whereabouts of three lawyers in Kinshasa, who were abducted by three armed men in 2007 and allegedly detained by the National Intelligence Agency (ANR).
A 148 For instance, Leta Mangasa, the head of the National Intelligence Agency is an Equatorian reported to have received some Israeli training.149 Source : Interview ICG, Congolese sources and diplomatic corps, Kinshasa, (August- September 2000) and Villers (G.
The training, which was attended by members of The Gambia Police Force, the National Intelligence Agency, The Gambia National Army and the Immigration Department, was aimed at sensitising security officers on the gender protocol and gender-based violence.