National Minister definition

National Minister means the national Minister responsible for local government;
National Minister means the member of the National Cabinet responsible for transport matters;
National Minister means the member of the National Cabinet responsible for environmental affairs;

Examples of National Minister in a sentence

  • The remuneration of all political office bearers is based on the limitations and percentages as determined by the responsible National Minister.

  • The National Minister of Public Works is the Executive Authority of the Council and communicates with the Council through the CBE, which is the overarching body that co-ordinate the activities of all the six Built Environment Councils.

  • The National Minister for Human Settlements has since requested the HDA to provide programme and technical support to the National Department of Human Settlements (NDHS) as well as the respective provinces and municipalities in respect of the “Mining towns in distress national intervention”.

  • The respective Employment Contract and the Performance Agreement must be submitted by the Municipal Manager to the MEC (Section 4(c) of Regulation 805) responsible for Local Government in the relevant Province as well as the National Minister responsible for Local Government within fourteen (14) days after concluding the Employment Contract and the Performance Agreement.

  • This amendment will make provision for transitional arrangements, pending the appointment of central hospital boards by the National Minister of Health, and for the provision of a legal framework for establishing clinic and community health centre committees.

More Definitions of National Minister

National Minister. ’ means the National Minister responsible for trade and industry;
National Minister means the Minister [of Education of] in the 5 National Government responsible for basic education;’’;
National Minister means a minister in the national sphere of government appointed as such by the President of the Republic of Africa in accordance with section 85 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;
National Minister means the National Minister responsible for trade and industry; "Province" means the Province of the Western Cape;
National Minister means the Minister in the National Government responsible for basic education;[Definition of "National Minister" substituted by s. 2 (i) of Act No. 7 of 2010.]
National Minister means the Minister of Education of the National Government; (xvii)