National Sex Offender Registry definition
Examples of National Sex Offender Registry in a sentence
The checks shall include at a minimum checks of the State Sex Offender and Public Protection Registration Program, the State Sexually Violent Predator Registration Program, and the National Sex Offender Registry (“the Registries”).
The checks shall include (at a minimum) checks of the State Sex Offender and Public Protection Registration Program, the State Sexually Violent Predator Registration Program, and the National Sex Offender Registry (“the Registries”).
As stated in Administrative Policy Number 2221 – Background Investigations, the criminal background investigation will normally include a review of the individual’s records to include Social Security Number Search, Credit Report (if related to potential job duties), Criminal Records Search (any misdemeanor convictions and/or felony convictions are reported) in all states in which the employee has lived or worked over the past seven years, and the National Sex Offender Registry.
Must have complied with all CNCS required criminal history checks including 1) a State Criminal Registry Check of the CNCS designated repository in both the state in which the program operates and the state in which the member resided at the time they applied to the program; 2) a nationwide fingerprint based FBI background check; and 3) a Department of Justice National Sex Offender Registry Check.
Employees who have been convicted of a violent or serious felony, including crimes that require registration on the National Sex Offender Registry will not be allowed to work on District property for this contract.
In addition, at the request of ASU, Supplier will, at Supplier’s expense, conduct reference checks and employment, education, SSN trace, National Sex Offender Registry, and criminal history record checks (collectively, Screenings) on requested persons employed or contracted by Supplier to perform work under the Agreement.
Such check shall include an annual check of the State Sex Offender and Public Protection Registration Program, the State Sexually Violent Predator Registration Program, and the National Sex Offender Registry.
This includes the following: employment history checks, criminal history checks, and the National Sex Offender Registry screenings.
All criminal conviction checks will normally include a review of the individual’s records to include Social Security Number Search, Credit Report (if related to potential job duties), Criminal Records Search (any misdemeanor convictions and/or felony convictions are reported) in all states in which the employee has lived or worked over the past seven years, and the National Sex Offender Registry.
I consent to annual registry checks via the Xxx Xxxxxx National Sex Offender Registry and Indiana Sex Offender Registry as explained in the Purdue EMG Program Policy Guide.