Examples of Natural Drainage Systems in a sentence
The Permittees shall implement a development-planning program that will require all Planning Priority development and Redevelopment projects to:• Minimize impacts from storm water and urban runoff on the biological integrity of Natural Drainage Systems and water bodies in accordance with requirements under CEQA (Cal.
The Permittees shall control post-development peak storm water runoff discharge rates, velocities, and duration (peak flow control) in Natural Drainage Systems (i.e., mimic pre-development hydrology) to prevent accelerated stream erosion and to protect stream habitat.
Also reference Green Street design guidelines in this Manual Chapter 6.2 Green Streets and Chapter 6.4 Natural Drainage Systems for streets in creek watersheds.Street Classification Map—Truck, Transit, Bicycle and Boulevard Classifications.
Please see the Marina BMPs for further options.Additional Resources: • Puget Sound Action Team: www.psat.wa.gov or 800-54-SOUND (See LID section for techniques, suppliers and Puget Sound case studies)• Washington State Department of Ecology: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwateror (360) 407-6444• Seattle Public Utilities and Natural Drainage Systems: www.seattle.gov/util/About_SPU or (206) 684-3000.
The simplest plan may only need to address Minimum Requirement #2 – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention, and Minimum Requirement #4 – Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Outfalls.
Permit Part II.B.5.d ‐ New Development and Redevelopment Site Design to Minimize Impervious Areas, Preserve Vegetation, and Preserve Natural Drainage Systems, is vague, may be misinterpreted, and/or be regarded as impracticable by some parties.
Minimum Requirement #4: Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and OutfallsNatural drainage patterns shall be maintained, and discharges from the project site shall occur at the natural location, to the maximum extent practicable.
Topography, infrastructure, and landscape were designed to meet Seattle Public Utilities’ goals for Natural Drainage Systems, including stormwater management, improvements in ecology, safety, and aesthetics..
Natural Drainage Systems (NDS) Partnering Program ($35M 2016-2025, $$ vary per year)This program designs and constructs roadside green infrastructurein the public right-of-way to remove pollutants, improve conveyance, and address localized flooding in Seattle’s three major creek watersheds: Thornton, Pipers, and Longfellow.
ATER QUALITYLaguna Beach General Plan Open Space/Conservation Element LCP Policies: Policy 4E Preserve Functions of Natural Drainage Systems: Ensure that development is sited and designed to limit disturbances and to preserve the infiltration, purification, retention and conveyance functions of natural drainage systems that exist on the site to the maximum extent practicable.