Examples of Need to work in a sentence
Here are some examples: • Need to work part-time only• Need to work close to home• Need flexibility to take time off work for appointments etc• Need for career guidance• Need to gain training or experience before applying for a job• Need to build up confidence• Need to feel there are others I can trust to delegate childcare to• Need to assess the impact on household income/benefits if working List the top three considerations or constraints that apply to your situation 1.2. 3.
Trauma-specific intervention programs generally recognize the:• Survivor’s need to be respected, informed, connected, and hopeful regarding their own recovery;• Interrelation between trauma and symptoms of trauma such as substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety; and• Need to work in a collaborative way with survivors, family, and friends of the survivor, and other human services agencies in a manner that will empower survivors and consumers.♦ Supported decision-making.
See Appendix A for cost scenarios.• This approach is supported by the Northwest Grocers Association (Appendix D).Cons:• Bans can be seen as a negative by the public.• Developing habits takes time.• Requires initial public outreach campaign to stores and residents, as well as funds for reusable bag giveaways.• Need to work with non-profits food assistance programs to develop alternatives to the plastic bags that are commonly used.
Need to work to cultivate.State Championships possibly split into 2 meets.
Need to work on agreements with High School Natural Resource programs and with high school counselors to promote TEAM as a viable college option.
R = PA * C Includes identifying possible causes of leaks, and likelihood of occurrence of various spill sizes, and those releases getting to the groundwater or to drinking water. Includes identifying maximum, credible release, and associated consequence. Need to work on what is the risk threshold that would require action be taken to make the system more effective. Step 2.
Need to work with Governments and local governments to become insurers of last resort.
This work should start with the community who should be involved from the beginning.Group 2: Need to work on the understanding of the issue and on how to engage with communities.
Need to work together to determine the scope of work, funding source and expected time frame.
The results are in table 4.5.Table 4.5 Challenges Facing the Adoption of E-Hail Apps ChallengesMeanNeed for training of operators on usage of E-hailingApps4.601.469 Need to work longer working to earn enough.3.361.590 Intense price wars, brought by different costing models 4.69 1.604 High costs of implementation of E-hailing Apps 4.74 1.688 Required overall level of knowledge for adopting and 3.94 1.659using mobile taxi booking apps is high.