Examples of Newer Vehicles in a sentence
FRONT SUSPENSIONPost 1978 and Newer Vehicles: Stock, aftermarket or tubular type K-member permitted.
Special 12-Passenger Van Provisions for Newer Vehicles: Use of a 12- passenger van that meets all of the following criteria may forgo the nine (9)- passenger-only limitation: • 12-passenger vans must not be a converted, modified, or otherwise altered 15-passenger van.
Secondly the emigrants send part of their income to help his needy family which created public security in the private sector (Gilani et al, 1981).The first attempt to explain poverty trends in Pakistan with the help of macro determinants was made by (Amjad and Kemal 1997).
Such return of the license shall not affect the Licensee’s civil or criminal liability for acts committed prior to the surrender thereof.After Market Parts on Newer Vehicles.
Incentive for Cleaner and Newer Vehicles The Port of Board of Commissioners adopted Port Ordinance 4193 on June 7, 2012, to revise alternative fuel and maximum vehicle age requirements for ground transportation operators to promote, incentivize and reward GT operators who invest in cleaner and newer vehicles serving OAK.