Examples of NGO Partners in a sentence
For more information on the responsibilities of implementing partners, please conduct the Programme Formulation Policy, the Implementing Partners and Responsible Parties Due Diligence Procedure, the Sourcing NGO Partners Procedure, the Capacity Assessment of NGOs Procedure, and the terms and obligations of the respective contractual arrangement with UN Women.
Building an effective implementation partnership for market analysis and development of forest resources in the Recipient’s territory by: (i) ensuring that implementing partners understand the market analysis and development methodology; (ii) selecting and training project coordinators and field facilitators (FFs) from the implementing NGO Partners in market analysis and development methodology; (iii) tailoring best practice to Liberia conditions; and (iv) preparing field training materials.
Statement of NGO Partners on Cessation of Food Aid Program in the Democratic People’s Republic Of Korea (DPRK),” Mercy Corps, Samaritan’s Purse, World Vision, March 19, 2009.
Several Academic or NGO Partners noted their concern that the UN CC:Learn methodology is too top down, preventing understanding of real impacts and appropriate community level actions.
During the Application Period:- Organize 7 outreach events, one in each district/region, involving NGO Partners to promote widely the Call for non-cash support and encourage potential applicants to apply.
Exploratory analysis revealed seemingly systematic differences between COs working with different international NGO Partners.
Basic eligibility criteria of NGOs and their expected roleThe NGO Partners to be selected under this assignment shall have more than 3 years of activity with implementing environmental and/or local economic development/rural development projects, preferably at the grassroots level.
UN CC:Learn’s global work is implemented through collaboration with its Global Partners - UN and other multilateral agencies, and increasingly partners from business, academia and NGO Partners.
Ingersoll Rand works with External NGO Partners to execute CSR project.
In terms of providing effective capacity support, it is helpful to establish categories of NGO Partners, based on capacity, and to develop capacity support accordingly.