Noncollege groups definition
Examples of Noncollege groups in a sentence
Non-college groups and community organizations may schedule the use of these rooms for a maximum of 3 hours and subject to availability.
Noncollege groups may distribute materials only at the site designated for noncollege groups.
Noncollege groups may otherwise use college facilities for expressive activity as identified in this policy.(2) The college designates the following area(s) as the sole limited public forum area(s) for use by noncollege groups for expressive activity on campus are located on acampus map on the college web site.
Non-College Groups• Non-college groups may post materials at their own risk on public notice bulletin boards.
Noncollege groups • For the purposes of this policy noncollege groups shall mean individuals, or combinations of individuals, who are not currently enrolled students or current employees of Olympic College or who are not officially affiliated or associated with a recognized student organization or a recognized employee group of the college.