Notified Claim definition
Examples of Notified Claim in a sentence
The Director may engage separate legal or other representation for a Notified Claim.
However, as per Clause, any dispute or difference on whether or not a claim sought to be referred to arbitration by the contractor is a Notified Claim falls within the excluded matters and the Arbitrator or Arbitral Tribunal shall have no jurisdiction and/or authority with respect thereto.
Therefore, once the General Manager, on the basis of the material on record takes a conscious decision that a particular claim sought to be referred to arbitration is not a Notified Claim, such a claim thereafter cannot be referred to arbitration.
The dispute or difference whether or not a claim sought to be referred to arbitration by the contractor is a Notified Claim shall not and cannot form the subject matter of any reference or submission to arbitration.
From the communication dated 22.06.2018, it appears that the General Manager, after elaborately dealing with all the alleged Notified Claims of the respondent has thereafter found that none of the claims made by the respondent is a Notified Claim.