Examples of Nufcor in a sentence
Nufcor is the only uranium calcining facility in South Africa and processes uranium mined and recovered at the Moab Mining Sale Assets and on behalf of third-party uranium producers.
Effective 1 March 2018 the group acquired the Moab Khotsong and Great Noligwa mines and related infrastructure as well as gold- bearing tailings and the Nufcor uranium plant (collectively the Moab Khotsong operations) from AngloGold Ashanti Limited on a going concern basis.
Effective 1 March 2018 the group acquired the Moab Khotsong and Great Noligwa mines and related infrastructure as well as goldbearing tailings and the Nufcor uranium plant (collectively the Moab Khotsong operations) from AngloGold Ashanti Limited on a going concern basis.
Nufcor is involved in the processing and marketing of uranium ore and concentrate.
Nufcor was established to process and market uranium concentrate produced by South Africa gold mining companies to nuclear power generators around the world.
The Competition Tribunal has approved the merger of Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (Harmony) through its subsidiary, Coreland Property Investment Company (Pty) Ltd (Coreland), in terms of which Coreland acquires the Vaal River Mining Business (VR Mining Business), equity in Nuclear Fuels Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Ltd (Nufcor) and membership interest in Margaret Water Company NPC (MWC).
The VR Mining Business and Nufcor are controlled by JSE listed AngloGold Ashanti Limited (AGA).
From 1967 to the present day, NUFCOR’s Head Office main activities have included the marketing of uranium under long-term contracts with international and local utilities (ore recently, London-based Nufcor International Limited has assumed this marketing function) and the transporting of uranium products in accordance with international hazardous materials regulations.
Upon acquiring the Sale Interests, all of AngloGold Ashanti’s obligations related to Nufcor and MWC, including in the case of MWC, all of AngloGold Ashanti’s obligations with regards to the pumping and efficient management of the underground water in the Vaal River region (the “KOSH Water Directive”) will be transferred to Harmony.
Natural CoverResidential developments shall be subdivided and improved in reasonable conformity to existing topography in order to minimize grading, cut and fill, and to retain, insofar as possible, the natural contours, limit storm water runoff, and conserve the natural cover and soil.