Examples of Nuclear fuels in a sentence
Elements of nuclear power plant, Types of nuclear reactor, Fuel moderators, Coolants, Controls, Disposal of nuclear wastes, Classification of nuclear power plant, Cost of nuclear power, Nuclear fuels.
Introduction, Nuclear fuels, Nuclear fission, Reactor components, & materials and classification,, Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), Pressurized water Reactor (PWR),CANDU Reactor, Gas cooled Reactors, Liquid metal fast breeder Reactor.
MC 04: Energy Studies 3:0:0 [3] Module 1: Energy Sources - Fossil fuels, Nuclear fuels, hydel, solar, wind and bio fuels in India, Energy conservation, Nuclear energy through fission and fusion processes.
Nuclear fuels and Nuclear Waste; EQB expects there to be no change to the number of EAWs or EISs as a result of the change that excludes “independent spent-fuel storage installation.” Since this threshold update is already required in statute, EQB does not anticipate there to be any change in costs to proposers or the RGU.
Proposals addressing these identified needs will be given higher priority.• For FY 2019, specific areas of interest for this FOA are: Establishing or improving capabilities for handling radioactive materials Nuclear fuels and materials examination (characterization)• NSUF provides access to high-performance computational resources at INL at no charge to users.
Nuclear fuels are modeled by 6 heat structures each represents 6908 average fuel rods that uniformly placed in 6 azimuthal sectors.
The following definitions are added for clarification: DOE Aluminum-based Spent Nuclear Fuel (Al-SNF) - Nuclear fuels under the jurisdiction of the U.
Nuclear fuels are stored under water after they are burned in the reactor to produce power.
Nuclear fuels with cladding made of material including zirconium, stainless steel, or alloys of such materials must be decladded and/or sheared or chopped prior to being charged to the dissolver to allow the acid to reach the fuel matrix.
Nuclear fuels engineering, led by the functional manager in charge of Nuclear Fuel Management and Safety Analysis, provides technical assistance in the areas of core design, core operations, core thermal limits, and core thermal hydraulics.