Nuisance activity means and includes:
Nuisance activity means incidents associated with property disturbance, property damage, or livestock/pet harassment.
Nuisance activity means the occurrence of any of the following activities, behaviors, or conduct occurring at a lodging establishment:
Examples of Nuisance activity in a sentence
Nuisance activity contributes to the general decay of an affected neighborhood and negatively impacts law-abiding residents in these neighborhoods.
Howeverthere are alternative methods of correction such as spectacles and contact lenses.CriteriaLaser surgery for correction of short sight is not routinely funded.
Should damage to Mutual Property or Nuisance activity occur fines and fees assessed can be taken from the Conformance Deposit.
In the event of any complaint received against Licensee for Nuisance activity like Loud Music, illegal activities etc.
Nuisance activity means acts constituting a nuisance under M.S.A. § 617.81, subd.
More Definitions of Nuisance activity
Nuisance activity means any of the following activities, behaviors or conduct whenever engaged in by persons associated with a premises:
Nuisance activity or “Nuisance conduct” means-
Nuisance activity means any nuisance that occurs or exists upon a property, or if specified in this section, occurs or exists within two hundred (200) feet of a property. To be considered a nuisance activity within two hundred (200) feet of the property, the nuisance activity must involve the person in control of the property and/or any person associated with the person in control of the property. A person is associated with the person in control of the property if he or she is a guest or invitee of the person in control of the property.
Nuisance activity means any of the following unlawful conduct:
Nuisance activity means any of the activities, behaviors or conduct set forth in the Appendix to this Code Section occurring on or within two hundred (200) feet of a premises whenever engaged in by premises owners, operators, occupants or a person or persons associated with a premises.
Nuisance activity for purposes of this Section shall mean any of the following:
Nuisance activity includes a violation for any of the following:
a. A “most serious offense” as defined in chapter 9.94A RCW;
b. Drug–related activity, including unlawful manufacture, delivery, sale, storage, possession, or giving away of any controlled substance, as defined in Revised Code of Washington (RCW hereinafter) RCW 69.50; illegal drugs, as defined in RCW 69.41; precursor drugs, as defined in RCW 69.43; or imitation controlled substances, as defined in RCW 69.52;
c. “Gang-related activity” as defined in RCW 59.18.030;
d. Drive-by shooting as defined in RCW 9A.36.045;
e. Reckless endangerment as defined in RCW 9A.36.050;
f. Alcoholic beverage control violations, as defined in chapter RCW 66.44.
g. Violation of the Minimum Building and Structures Code, Tacoma Municipal Code (TMC hereinafter) Chapter 2.01;
h. Fireworks, TMC 3.12;
i. Tax and License Code, TMC Title 6; j. Disorderly Conduct; TMC 8.12;