Nuisance activity definition

Nuisance activity means and includes:
Nuisance activity means incidents associated with property disturbance, property damage, or livestock/pet harassment.
Nuisance activity means the occurrence of any of the following activities, behaviors, or conduct occurring at a lodging establishment:

Examples of Nuisance activity in a sentence

  • Nuisance activity contributes to the general decay of an affected neighborhood and negatively impacts law-abiding residents in these neighborhoods.

  • Howeverthere are alternative methods of correction such as spectacles and contact lenses.CriteriaLaser surgery for correction of short sight is not routinely funded.

  • Should damage to Mutual Property or Nuisance activity occur fines and fees assessed can be taken from the Conformance Deposit.

  • In the event of any complaint received against Licensee for Nuisance activity like Loud Music, illegal activities etc.

  • Nuisance activity means acts constituting a nuisance under M.S.A. § 617.81, subd.

More Definitions of Nuisance activity

Nuisance activity means any of the following activities, behaviors or conduct whenever engaged in by persons associated with a premises:
Nuisance activity or “Nuisance conduct” means-
Nuisance activity means any nuisance that occurs or exists upon a property, or if specified in this section, occurs or exists within two hundred (200) feet of a property. To be considered a nuisance activity within two hundred (200) feet of the property, the nuisance activity must involve the person in control of the property and/or any person associated with the person in control of the property. A person is associated with the person in control of the property if he or she is a guest or invitee of the person in control of the property.
Nuisance activity means any of the following unlawful conduct:
Nuisance activity means any of the activities, behaviors or conduct set forth in the Appendix to this Code Section occurring on or within two hundred (200) feet of a premises whenever engaged in by premises owners, operators, occupants or a person or persons associated with a premises.
Nuisance activity for purposes of this Section shall mean any of the following:
Nuisance activity includes a violation for any of the following: a. A “most serious offense” as defined in chapter 9.94A RCW; b. Drug–related activity, including unlawful manufacture, delivery, sale, storage, possession, or giving away of any controlled substance, as defined in Revised Code of Washington (RCW hereinafter) RCW 69.50; illegal drugs, as defined in RCW 69.41; precursor drugs, as defined in RCW 69.43; or imitation controlled substances, as defined in RCW 69.52; c. “Gang-related activity” as defined in RCW 59.18.030; d. Drive-by shooting as defined in RCW 9A.36.045; e. Reckless endangerment as defined in RCW 9A.36.050; f. Alcoholic beverage control violations, as defined in chapter RCW 66.44. g. Violation of the Minimum Building and Structures Code, Tacoma Municipal Code (TMC hereinafter) Chapter 2.01; h. Fireworks, TMC 3.12; i. Tax and License Code, TMC Title 6; j. Disorderly Conduct; TMC 8.12;