NYSE Market definition
Examples of NYSE Market in a sentence
Any resulting changes to the Index will be announced prior to it being implemented.Reconstitution/Rebalance: Publication of Results The new composition of the index, including the companies to be a part of the index and their corresponding new index shares, will be announced at least two trading days before the effective date and can be accessed from NYSE Market Data at www.nyse.com/market- data/indices.
Index composition and corporate actions, including rebalance information, can be accessed from NYSE Market Data at www.nyse.com/market-data/indices.
Announcement policy Changes to the index methodology will be announced by an index announcement which will be distributed by IDI via www.nyse.com/indices and NYSE Market Data at www.nyse.com/market- data/indices As a general rule, the announcement periods that are mentioned below will be applied.
First Name Last Name Title Phone Facsimile E-mail Address where contact is located Installation Billing Other (please specify)Street Address City State Province Country Postal Code Where appropriate, customers are to identify and confirm their Non-Display Use of real-time NYSE Market Data.
Non-Display Use is broken down to three (3) categories: • Category 1:Fees are applicable when a data recipient’s Non-Display Use of NYSE Market Data is on its own behalf.
Announcement policy Changes to the index methodology will be announced by an index announcement which will be distributed by IDI via www.nyse.com/indices and NYSE Market Data at www.nyse.com/market- data/indices.
Index composition and corporate actions, including rebalance information, can be accessed from NYSE Market Data at www.nyse.com/market-data/indices .
Organizations approved by NYSE to redistribute NYSE Market Data products have ongoing responsibilities.
For more information visit the NYSE Market Data Customer Support website.
When you become approved to redistribute NYSE Market Data products, an executed copy of your Vendor Agreement, Exhibit A and any other exhibits completed as part of the approval process are provided for your records.