Observation well definition

Observation well means a well designed to measure the depth to the water level elevation in either clean or contaminated water or soil.
Observation well means a cased and screened boring or drilled hole, installed within the tank excavation or piping trench that can be used for the continuous or periodic evaluation of groundwater quality or the detection of soil vapors as a method of release detection.
Observation well means a well other than a monitoring well that is typically located in a tank excavation or the collection sump of a secondary containment system.

Examples of Observation well in a sentence

  • A MS plate is to be welded as cap on the top of the Exploratory as well as Observation well.

  • Observation well MW-107 is used to provide source area groundwater quality data and hydraulic gradient information up-gradient of the central trench.

  • Observation well MW-101, which is located west of the site, is used to monitor the effectiveness of the west trench.

  • The employer reserves the right to change the location in case of non availability of site clearance or any other reasons and no additional cost will be paid for change in locations The number of Exploratory well, Observation well to be constructed shown in Section- VII.Pumping tests such as Step Drawdown Test and Aquifer Performance Tests should be carried out using Submersible pump/ VT pump of adequate capacity creating sufficient drawdown.

  • Observation well SH-4 is 280 feet deep and the depth to limestone is approximately 136 feet.

More Definitions of Observation well

Observation well means a non-pumping, non-potable well used for measuring groundwater levels or potentiometric surface.
Observation well means a well used for the sole purpose of determining groundwater levels.
Observation well means a well drilled to monitor subsurface conditions in oil and gas projects or gas storage fields.
Observation well means a well designed to measure the depth
Observation well means a well installed in the tank backfill material to enable observation of subsurface conditions in the backfill material surrounding the tank or tanks.
Observation well means a well drilled strictly for monitoring purposes.
Observation well means any artificial excavation constructed by any method for the purpose of monitoring fluctuations in groundwater levels, quality of underground waters, or the concentration of contaminants in underground waters.