Examples of Offsite Disposal in a sentence
Off-site Disposal: If waste is proposed to be disposed of off-site within the NWT, written confirmation (e.g., an email, letter, etc.) from the facility/facilities indicating they will accept the waste is required.
The recommended cleanup alternative is Alternative #3: Excavation with Offsite Disposal.
Therefore, this alternative is considered the most difficult to implement.• Alternative #3: Excavation with Offsite Disposal is moderately difficult to implement.
In addition, soils in the underground storage tank area excavated under Alternative #3: Excavation and Offsite Disposal will be transported to an asphalt batch facility, to be reused as asphalt.
The Selected Remedy for Operable Unit 1 at the HDP is Alternative 4: Removal, Treatment of Volatile Organic Compound Waste, and Off-site Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste and Non-Hazardous Treatment Residues (WEC, 2009a).
However, Alternative #2: Capping would require ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the cap, the installation and maintenance of a sub-slab depressurization system to mitigate vapor intrusion risks, and the implementation of land use restrictions and potential flood water drainage infrastructure, making it more difficult to implement than Alternative #3: Excavation and Offsite Disposal.
The following three remedial alternatives were considered for the Ash Pit: Alternative 1: No Action with MonitoringAlternative 2: Soil CoverAlternative 3: Excavation with Off-site Disposal For the Ash Pit, the no action alternative would not protect human health and the environment and did not comply with EPA’s soil guidance for lead.
OR 21.02 – Testing and Off-site Disposal of Groundwater – Temporarily store contaminated groundwater in a frac tank.
The following three remedial alternatives were considered for the Upland Recharge Meadow Marsh Area: Alternative 1: No Action with MonitoringAlternative 2: Excavation with On-site Disposal and Reconstruction of the Wetlands Alternative 3: Excavation with Off-site Disposal and Reconstruction of the Wetlands For the two man-made basins at the Upland Recharge/Meadow Marsh Area, the no action alternative would not protect breeding Tiger Salamanders.
As stated in Section 2.9 and summarized in Table 2.1, protective alternatives included a Dual Site Alternative (construction of two smaller onsite landfills), a Hybrid Disposal Alternative (significant disposal at onsite and offsite landfills), and an Offsite Disposal Alternative (offsite disposal of all CERCLA waste exceeding the capacity of EMWMF).