Examples of Ontario Regulation 362 in a sentence
Ontario Regulation 362, made under the Ontario Environmental Protection Act applies to the waste management and transport of PCB waste from the location of generation to a landfill site authorized to receive specific wastes.
Any electrical equipment containing PCBs must be disposed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 362 when it is removed from service.
Light ballasts confirmed or assumed to contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) must be disposed of following the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act, Ontario Regulation 362: PCB Waste Management and Ontario Regulation 347: General-Waste Management (as amended by O.
Handling of PCB contaminated materials must be done according to the requirements of Ontario Regulation 362 (PCB waste management) regarding health and safety procedures, and environmental care in the handling of hazardous wastes.
Ballasts with unidentifiable serial codes, or from manufactures who are not included in the standard PCB Identifier Code literature, or are not clearly labeled as “PCB Free”, or no date is clearly visible (ballasts dated 1981 or later do not contain PCBs), must be assumed to contain PCBs. Ballasts and transformers confirmed or assumed to contain PCBs must be disposed of following Ontario Regulation 362 of the Environmental Protection Act, O.
Conversely, the units can be presumed to contain PCBs. If confirmed or presumed to contain PCBs, decommissioning of the transformer unit must be completed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 347, General –Waste Management, Ontario Regulation 362, Waste Management – PCB’s, and amended PCB Regulations, 2008 established under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 by a qualified contractor, experienced in PCB transformer removal).
MOE RegulationThe disposal of light ballasts is governed by Ontario Regulation 362 – Waste Management PCBs; and by Ontario Regulation 347 – General Waste Management (O.Reg.