Operating Fund definition
Operating Fund means a fund in which the revenues and expenditures are subject to appropriation control.
Operating Fund means the Dual Party Relay Service Operating Fund which is a specific fund to be created by the commission and established, invested, managed, and maintained for the exclusive purpose of implementing the provisions of this chapter according to commission regulations.
Operating Fund means the agency operating fund established by each Guarantee Agency as required by the Higher Education Act.
Examples of Operating Fund in a sentence
The School Operating Fund is considered a major fund of the School Board for financial reporting purposes.
The Operating Fund is maintained to record all the day to day operating revenues and expenses.
The Village had the following significant Enterprise Funds: Water Operating Fund - This fund receives charges for services from residents to cover water service costs.
Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue of the Operating Fund in the year received or receivable if the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured.
Sewer Operating Fund - This fund receives charges for services from residents to cover sewer service costs.
More Definitions of Operating Fund
Operating Fund means the Operating Fund established pursuant to Section 502 of the Sewer System Revenue Bond Resolution.
Operating Fund means the commission ’s
Operating Fund means the Department of Family and Protective Services child abuse and neglect prevention operating fund account.
Operating Fund means a fund for common expenses that usually occur either once a year or more often than once a year, as set out in section 92(a);
Operating Fund means a fund established to provide for the payment of the Operating C&E of the WGFP.
Operating Fund means the Operating Fund as defined in the
Operating Fund means the Operating Fund established pursuant to Section 7.1.