Examples of Operation Days in a sentence
Operation Days and HoursThe program must begin operation immediately upon the end of the regular school day (Note: A regular school day is any day students attend and instruction takes place, including minimum days).
The USAID Program Operation Days Work — with its goal of engaging students “to participate in community service while learning about international affairs and global humanitarian efforts” – is highly praised by those who know it.
Water Use of Urinal (gallons or liters per year)= Urinal Flush Volume x Number of Flushes x Days of Facility Operation Where: Urinal Flush Volume: Gallons or liters per flush Number of Flushes: Flushes per day Days of Facility Operation: Days per year Water Use After ReplacementTo estimate the water use of a replacement WaterSense labeled flushing urinal, use Equation 2, substituting the flow rate of the replacement WaterSense labeled flushing urinal.
DETERMINANTS PER CATEGORYCategories and determinants#1) Strategic issues of innovationInnovation orientation Strategic fit & corporate vision 62) New Product Development processCommunicationDecision making (Go/No-go’s)Management support and control Structure of process and facilitation 173) Project formulation and resourcesBusiness model Project definition Project pressureResource allocation 104) Individuals engaging in innovationEntr.
If for any reason any payment or communication to which one party is entitled is received by the other party hereto, the receiving party shall promptly forward such payment or communication to the other party.
Operation Days Typical Parameters Phase to next target 0.4 400 km Δaltitude,½ orbit average Climb and tune orbit 2.9 200 km/day, +20%for plane change Approach and capture 0.5 6-8 orbits at 800 kmaverage altitude Deboost and release 6.2 90 km/day,+20% marginTotal per target 10 1000 kg object, 800 km To 330 km altitude Table III: Typical EDDE Timelines with 1-Ton Objects A simulation of LEO debris removal using 12 EDDE vehicles for 6.7 years is available on-line at: www.star-tech-inc.com/id121.html.
Should the Days he has purchased run out before he has completed his Operation, he may be forced to buy extra Operation Days or, if unable to purchase sufficient time, lose units (either temporarily or permanently).Note: Although the term “Day” is used throughout the rules, it does not literally translate into a time increment equal to one day.
The average volume of water pumped per month was 300 m3 in 2005 (water supplied for 10 months), 25 m3 in 2005 (2 months), 127 m3 in 2006 (2 months) and 170 m3 Figure 3 Number of Operation Days and Pumped Volume (Dialakoto) Source: prepared by the author in 2007 (12 months).
There are also an organisation - or maybe just a website - called Drop Operation Days Work who in the past have criticized and spread rumours about Dagsværk.
Additionally, the Division manages USAID's domestic outreach programs: Operation Day's Work, a USAID-sponsored national student initiative; Lessons Without Boarders, linking development assistance achievements to domestic public policy challenges; and USAID's Development Education program, which facilitates public discussion, analysis, and review of the political, economic, technical, and social factors relating to hunger, poverty, economic growth, and development.