Oregon Revised Statute definition
Examples of Oregon Revised Statute in a sentence
All benefits of the system are established by the legislature pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapters 238 and 238A.
Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 200, Agency encourages the participation of small businesses, certified by the Oregon Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (“COBID”) in all contracting opportunities.
Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 238.420 established this trust fund.
By the authority granted in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 190.110, state agencies may enter into agreements with units of local government for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers, or agents have the authority to perform.
All the benefits of OPERS are established by the Oregon legislature pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapters 238 and 238A.
Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 200, and as a matter of commitment, Agency encourages the participation of minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises in all contracting opportunities.
The stipulations required by the bill are codified in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS 352.061).
By the authority granted in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 190.110, 283.110, 366.572 and 366.576, state agencies may enter into agreements with units of local government or other state agencies for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a Party to the agreement, its officers, or agents have the authority to perform.
By the authority granted in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 190.110, 366.572 and 366.576, State may enter into cooperative agreements with counties, cities and units of local governments for the performance of work on certain types of improvement projects with the allocation of costs on terms and conditions mutually agreeable to the contracting parties.
PERS is administered under Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 238, which establishes the Public Employees Retirement Board as the governing body of PERS.