Examples of Other health care professionals in a sentence
Other health care professionals reported only 6 ADRs during 2018, which accounts for 3.64% of all ADR reports.
The term practitioner also in- cludes:(i) Medical and dental residents, re- gardless of whether they have been granted specific clinical privileges; and(ii) Other health care professionals whose scope of practice agreement or other formal delineation of job respon- sibility specifically permits them to obtain informed consent, and who are appropriately trained and authorized to perform the procedure or to provide the treatment for which consent is being obtained.Signature consent.
These can include but are not limited to Physicians (Hospitalists, ED, Intensive Care, Medical, Surgical, Anesthesia); Registered Nurses/Nurse Practitioners (ED, Intensive Care, Medical, Surgical, Anesthesia); EMS Professionals (EMT, EMT-I/P); Other health care professionals who treat shock.
Other health care professionals employed by the Board may be entitled as duty holders (EP1).
Other health care professionals are admitted with an overall GPA of 2.75or better on a grading scale of 4.00.
Other health care professionals may be involved in the team as and when required.
For the purpose of this Handbook, the term practitioner also includes:(1) Medical and dental residents, regardless of whether they have been granted specific clinical privileges; and(2) Other health care professionals whose scope of practice agreement or other formal delineation of job responsibility specifically permits them to obtain informed consent, and who are appropriately trained and authorized to perform the procedure or to provide the treatment for which consent is being obtained.
Other health care professionals, diabetes educators, health educators, nurses, dietitians, and community educators can also be trained in using the Roadto Health Toolkit The Road to Health Toolkit was designed for Hispanic/Latino and African American/African Ancestry communities, but it can appeal to anyone.
Other health care professionals will be provided a certificate of attendance for requesting credits in accordance with state nursing boards, specialty societies, or other professional associations.Program Change: Effective January 1, 2009,NIOSH changed the time limits on all certificatesto 5 years from the course date.
Other health care professionals such as health visitors may be involved; o The decision on whether to proceed to surgery should be made by the parent or responsible adult in discussion with an ophthalmologist whom will confirm the diagnosis, ensure the cataract is the cause of visual symptoms, determine if there is a co-existing ocular pathology and ensure there are no systemic illnesses that may put the child at risk.