Examples of Otherwise managed in a sentence
Otherwise, managed keys will be tracked in separate files, one file per view; each file name will be the SHA256 hash of the view name, followed by the extension .mkeys.
Otherwise managed buildings must choose Gross Square Feet (G), Rentable Square Feet (R) or Usable Square Feet (U).• Rentable Square Feet (R): The rentable area, SF, as determined using ANSI/BOMA Z61.1-2010, Office Buildings: Standard Methods of Measurement or IFMA/ASTM E1836-01, Standard Classification for Building Floor Area Measurements for Facility Management.
Otherwise managed buildings must choose Gross Square Feet (G), Rentable Square Feet (R) or Usable Square Feet (U).
Otherwise managed buildings must choose Gross Square Feet (G), Rentable Square Feet (R) or Usable Square Feet (U).• Usable Square Feet (U): The portion of a building that is available for occupants, as determined using ANSI/BOMA Z65.1- 20107, Office Buildings: Standard Methods of Measurement, or IFMA/ASTM E1836-01, Standard Classification for Building Floor Area Measurements for Facility Management.
Otherwise managed buildings must choose Gross Square Feet (G), Rentable Square Feet (R) or Usable Square Feet (U).11d.
Otherwise managed buildings must choose Gross Square Feet (G), Rentable Square Feet (R) or Usable Square Feet (U).• Usable Square Feet (U): The portion of a building that is available for occupants, as determined using ANSI/BOMA Z65.1- 20108, Office Buildings: Standard Methods of Measurement, or IFMA/ASTM E1836-01, Standard Classification for Building Floor Area Measurements for Facility Management.
Otherwise managed properties also include those properties under “Withdrawn Land” or “Museum Trust.”3 These exclusions are specified in Section 2 of EO 13327.
Otherwise, managed forests should be studied, or a combination of virgin and managed forests.
Otherwise managed assets (Legal Interest = M) are required.6 Reporting Agency 7 Using Organization 8 Size aRural AcresApplicable for land records only.
Exception: Otherwise managed assets (Legal Interest = State Government-Owned [S] or Foreign Government-Owned [F]) are excluded for Outgrant Indicator reporting.However, otherwise managed assets (Legal Interest = Museum Trust [M]) are required for Outgrant Indicator reporting.