Outdoor advertising definition
Outdoor advertising means the act or process of notifying, warning, informing, making known or any other act of transferring information in a visible manner and which takes place out of doors;
Outdoor advertising means any outdoor advertising structure or outdoor
Outdoor advertising means any Outdoor advertising. – Any outdoor sign,
Examples of Outdoor advertising in a sentence
Outdoor advertising structures require prior development consent.
Outdoor advertising signs are regulated separately in Section 13.11.
Tracts of land held in different estates or interests.5 (3) "Outdoor advertising" means any Outdoor advertising.
Outdoor advertising control takes into consideration the land use of the property, as well as other signs, structures, or buildings near the location of a sign.
Unit – V : Media of Advertising: Direct mail advertising; Print media; Radio commercials and Television commercials; Outdoor advertising: posters, painted bulletin, spectaculars and transit media; New Media in advertising.
More Definitions of Outdoor advertising
Outdoor advertising means (1) Billboards; (2) signs and placards in arenas, stadiums, and shopping malls; and (3) any other advertisements placed (A) outdoors, or (B) on the inside surface of a window facing outward; provided that “Outdoor Advertising” does not mean (1) an advertisement on the outside of a JLI facility; (2) an individual advertisement that does not occupy an area larger than 14 square feet (and that neither is placed in such proximity to any other such advertisement so as to create a single “mosaic”-type advertisement larger than 14 square feet, nor functions solely as a segment of a larger advertising unit or series), and that is placed (A) on the outside of a Vermont Retail Store, (B) outside (but on the property of) any such store, or (C) on the inside surface of a window facing outward in any such store; or (3) an advertisement inside a Vermont Retail Store that sells JUUL Products that is not placed on the insidesurface of a window facing outward.
Outdoor advertising means a sign, display, or device of any kind or character including statuary, erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which any poster, bill, printing, painting, or other advertisement of any kind whatsoever may be placed for advertising purposes and shall include but not be limited to any card, cloth, paper, metal, painted, or wooden sign of any character placed for outdoor advertising purposes, on or affixed to the ground or any tree, wall, bush, rock, fence, building, structure, or thing, either privately or publicly owned. The terms "sign, display, or device" comprehend all forms of outdoor advertising and the use of one such term in this chapter includes all forms of outdoor advertising.
Outdoor advertising means any form of advertising as defined, visible from any street or public place and which takes place out of doors;
Outdoor advertising means any outdoor advertising structure or outdoor structure used in combination with an outdoor advertising sign or outdoor sign within the outdoor advertising corridor which is visible from a place on the main-traveled way of a controlled route.
Outdoor advertising means any outdoor sign, display, light, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard or other thing which is designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, the mes- sage of which is visible from any place on the main-traveled way of the interstate, secondary or primary sys- tems.
Outdoor advertising means anyOutdoor advertising. – Any outdoor sign,
Outdoor advertising means any outdoor sign, display, light, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, or any other thing which is designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, any part of the advertising or information contents of which is visible from any place on the main-traveled way of the interstate or primary system, whether the same be permanent or portable installation.