Examples of Outdoor advertising structure in a sentence
Outdoor advertising structure in excess of 300 square feet (requires sign detail for consideration of use approval).
Definitions is hereby amended as follows:10-5.2906.10(h) Reserved "Outdoor advertising structure" shall mean a structure of any kind or character, erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which any advertising sign may be placed.
Outdoor advertising structure or sign and any sign or display in excess of 100 square feet in area shall be attached flat against a wall of a building.
Standards that apply in the BN District Outdoor advertising structure or non-flashing sign pertaining only to a use conducted within the building, and any sign or display in excess of 30 square feet in area shall be attached flat against a wall of the building, and in no case shall any sign or display attached to a building project above the roof line.
Outdoor advertising structure (e.g. billboards) shall be prohibited.