Over the Counter (OTC) means any contract concerning a commodity, security, currency or other financial instrument(s) which is not traded on a regulated stock or commodity exchange but “over the counter”.
Over the Counter (OTC) means any Contract concerning a commodity, security, currency or other financial instrument or property which is not traded on a regulated stock or commodity exchange but “over the counter”.
Over the Counter (OTC) means off-exchange trading i.e. the Financial Instruments offered by the Company are executed outside of a regulated exchange or Trading Venue.
Examples of Over the Counter (OTC) in a sentence
Over the counter (OTC) artificial tear drops for dry eye syndrome.
Over the Counter Markets (OTC) Over the counter (OTC) derivative transactions are permitted for the purpose of Efficient Portfolio Management for currency, interest rates and exchange rate swaps only.
Over the counter (OTC) products are executed off exchange so it is important that Waverton have the most appropriate counterparties available to source adequate liquidity.
Over the counter (OTC) medications must be in the sealed original manufacturer's container with the student's name affixed to the container.
Over the counter (OTC) The method of execution will be dependent on the underlying instruments as defined above under Section 3 – Best Execution – Over the Counter.
More Definitions of Over the Counter (OTC)
Over the Counter (OTC) means any Contract concerning a commodity, security, currency, or other financial
Over the Counter (OTC) means any Contract concerning a commodity, security, currency or other financial instrument or property, including any option, future, or CFD which is not traded on a regulated stock or commodity exchange but "over the counter";
Over the Counter (OTC) means a method of trading that does not take place on a Regulated Market. It can take various shapes from bilateral trading to via permanent structures (such as Systematic Internalisers and broker networks).
Over the Counter (OTC) means any Contract concerning a commodity, security, currency or other financial instrument or property which is not traded on a regulated stock or commodity exchange but
Over the Counter (OTC) means available for sale without a prescription)) - See WAC 388-530-1050 for defini- tion.(("Principal purpose diagnosis of family planning" means the reason for the service or intervention is primarily for family planning purposes.))