Over-the-Counter definition
Over-the-Counter security shall mean a security traded in some context other than on a formal exchange. OTC occurs with commodities, Financial Instruments (including stocks) and derivatives of such products.
Over-the-Counter means any item or supply, as determined by CareFirst BlueChoice, available for purchase without a prescription, unless otherwise a Covered Service. This includes, but is not limited to, non-prescription eye wear, family planning and contraception items for men, cosmetics or health and beauty aids, food and nutritional items, support devices, non-medical items, foot care items, first aid and miscellaneous medical supplies (whether disposable or durable), personal hygiene supplies, incontinence supplies, and related over-the-counter medications, solutions, items or supplies.
Over-the-Counter or “OTC”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall refer to ‘Over- the-Counter’ trading (not on a regulated “exchange”, or “off- exchange”); any Transaction and/or Contract concerning a commodity, security, currency or other financial instrument or property, including any option, future, or CFD, which is NOT traded on a regulated stock or commodity exchange, but is traded “over-the-counter”, whether through a Market Maker, as described hereinabove, or otherwise;
Examples of Over-the-Counter in a sentence
You acknowledge and confirm that you have been advised and understand the following factors concerning trading in leveraged Financial Instruments in the Over-the- Counter Market, in addition to those contained in the Risk Disclosure Statement posted on our Online Trading Facility.
More Definitions of Over-the-Counter
Over-the-Counter or “OTC” means that you do not trade in financial products on an exchange or a regulated market. Rather, it is a bilateral transaction between you and us. This means you can only enter into Contracts with us. You do not have the protections normally associated with trading on a regulated market. It is not possible to close a Product by giving instructions to another provider, broker or Australian financial services licensee.
Over-the-Counter means any Contract concerning a commodity, security, currency or other securities or property, including any option, future, or CFD which is not traded on a regulated stock or commodity exchange but "over the counter";
Over-the-Counter means a prefabricated, mass-produced device that is prepackaged and requires no professional advice or judgment in either size selection or use, including fabric or elastic supports, corsets, generic arch supports and elastic hoses.
Over-the-Counter or “OTC” means that you do not trade in financial products on an exchange or a regulated market. Rather, it is a bilateral transaction between you and us. This means you can only enter into contracts with us.
Over-the-Counter drug means a drug that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug as required by 21 C.F.R. § 201.66. The over-the-counter drug label includes: (1) A drug facts panel; or (2) a statement of the active ingredients with a list of those ingredients contained in the compound, substance or preparation. Over-the-counter drugs do not include grooming and hygiene products such as soaps, cleaning solutions, shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and sun tan lotions and screens.
Over-the-Counter means securities trading outside the SET of unlisted securities or listed securities, which is permitted by the Office of the SET to be traded outside the SET.
Over-the-Counter means a prefabricated, mass-produced