Overvote means that the elector marks or designates more names than there are persons to be elected to an office or designates more than one answer to a ballot question, and the tabulator records no vote for the office or question.
Overvote means to vote for more than the permitted number of choices for any office or question on a ballot.
Overvote means an instance where a voter has assigned the same ranking to more than one candidate.
Examples of Overvote in a sentence
Overvote errors occurred when participants selected more than one candidate in a single-candidate race.
Overvote and Opportunity to Correct Ballot All systems used in Texas allow a voter to change his or her vote.
Over-vote Voter marks more than the maximum number of voting position targets allowed in the contest.
Overvote all offices and questions (including judges) on one ballot, by marking one more vote than permitted.
Table 3: In-Person Overvote Rates, 2008 Presidential Race, Florida Counties Changing Voting Systems Counties 2004 System Type 2008 System Counties 2004 System Type 2008 System Eleven of the 15 former touchscreen counties changed to the DS200.
More Definitions of Overvote
Overvote means a circumstance in which a voter has ranked more than one candidate at the same ranking.[IB 2015, c. 3, §5 (NEW).]
Overvote means an instance where the elector marked votes for more than the maximum number of candidates or responses for a ballot measure.
Overvote means the selection by an elector of more
Overvote means a vote placed on a ballot question in excess of the allowable votes for that ballot question;
Overvote means the selection by an elector of more names than there are persons to be elected to an office or the designation of more than one answer to a ballot question or ballot issue.
Overvote means a ballot on which a voter casts a vote for a greater number of candidates or positions than the number for which he was lawfully entitled to vote and no vote shall be counted with respect to that office or issue.
Overvote means a circumstance in which a voter has ranked more than one candidate at the same ranking.