Examples of Overvote in a sentence
Overvote all offices and questions (including judges) on one ballot, by marking one more vote than permitted.
Reinsert the blank ballot and the fully voted ballot and override the rejection feature.(2) Overvote.
Overvote – when an elector votes for more than the number of candidates to which he or she is entitled to vote in that contest.
For purposes of this report, the following definitions apply: Overvote: when a voter casts more votes than allowed in a contest.Undervote: when the voter did not properly designate a choice for a contest and/or the tabulator records no vote for the contest.
Overvote If a voter has marked the voting target next to the name of more than one political party or organization, only votes cast for individual candidates shall be counted.[IAC 721—26.19(2)] Example 1: The voter has marked a straight party vote for POLITICAL PARTY A and for POLITICAL ORGANIZATION D.