Overvote definition
Examples of Overvote in a sentence
Overvote errors occurred when participants selected more than one candidate in a single-candidate race.
Overvote and Opportunity to Correct Ballot All systems used in Texas allow a voter to change his or her vote.
Based on data taken directly from the data table accompanying the state’s 2008 Overvote and Undervote report, the above suggests the following: • Design or performance differences that distinguish the Premier and Optech from the other three systems are the likely source of the differential rates of overvoting.
Figure 4: ES&S M-100 Overvote Screen Source: “Instructions for Using Optical Scan Ballot, M-100 Ballot Scanner, and AutoMark,” Kanawha County Guide for Voters, http://www.kanawha.us/shared/content/Page_objects/pdfs/county_clerk/Optical%20Scan%20Ballot.pdf Imagine the voter’s experience.
Discussion Regarding Overvote Procedures on Optical Voting Systems.