Undervote definition
Examples of Undervote in a sentence
Dill, “Factors Associated with the Excessive CD-13 Undervote in the 2006 General Election in Sarasota County, Florida”, Internet Report, 01/18/078 Laurin Frisina, Michael C.
Undervote errors occurred when voters omitted a race in which they should have cast a vote.
Based on data taken directly from the data table accompanying the state’s 2008 Overvote and Undervote report, the above suggests the following: • Design or performance differences that distinguish the Premier and Optech from the other three systems are the likely source of the differential rates of overvoting.
Essential questions to this ef- fect are productively bringing together urban density and quality of life as well as balancing densification and de-densification.
Reference service, as a distinct function of the library, began in the late nineteenth century, largely in response to the growing prevalence of publicly funded libraries (both public and academic) seeking to serve relatively inexperienced and unskilled readers and scholars.