Examples of Overweight Vehicle in a sentence
The license and permit revenues for the Street Fund are obtained thru Right of Way Fees and Overweight Vehicle Permits.
Overweight Vehicle Permit Reviews: The City currently is responsible for processing and issuing permits for overweight vehicles requesting travel on bridges located within the City.
The Heavy and Overweight Vehicle Brake Testing (HOVBT) program was designed to provide information about the effect of gross vehicle weight (GVW) on braking performance.
The rules are in the last stages of implementation under the Administrative Procedure Act, and will become effective in January, 2015.● HB14-1160 Concerning Overweight Vehicle Permits for Divisible Loads.
The Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) truck routes, National and Terminal Access Routes, Primary Highway Freight System, Port Hueneme Primary Highway Freight System Routes and those local county roadways designated by the County as Overweight Vehicle Corridors are shown in Figure 4-6.
Town of Londonderry.• Revised Overweight Vehicle Notice to be included with Excess Vehicle Weight Permits that requests compliance with speed limits.Tina Labeau mentioned that the Town Clerk and Treasurer’s offices would be closed June 21 - 25, but other office staff would be available.
Access and Work Permit Process Master Grant Agreement Performance Scorecard DMV Point of Sales Cashiering System Oversize, Overweight Vehicle Permit Process PIVOT – Program to Improve Vermont Outcomes Together Highway ROW Access and Work Permit Process Master Grant Agreement Performance Scorecard DMV Point of Sales Cashiering System Oversize, Overweight Vehicle Permit Process Annual State Outcome Report (3 V.S.A. § 2311) 1) VT has a prosperous economy.
Overweight Vehicle Analysis and Escort Services for Overweight Vehicles This contract provides services to analyze and evaluate overweight vehicle permit applications to cross bridges owned by MDOT SHA, as well as provide vehicle escort services.
In addition, other engineering professional services related to structural analysis of highway structures for Special Hauling Permit Reviews of Overweight Vehicle Moves and Escorts Services, may be required.
The fees established by this section are deemed by the City Engineer to be sufficient to compensate in part for the cost of the extra wear and tear on the mileage of streets over which the Overweight Vehicle is to be operated.