Ozone precursor definition

Ozone precursor means nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds.
Ozone precursor means nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds as measured by an applicable reference method in accordance with the Department’s Source Sampling Manual(January, 1992) or as measured by an EPA reference method in 40 CFR Part 60, appendix A or as measured by a material balance calculation for VOC as appropriate.
Ozone precursor means nitrogen oxides (NOx) or volatile organic compounds

Examples of Ozone precursor in a sentence

  • Linear interpolation of year 2024 results, as allowed in federal regulations, may cause an issue with meeting the Maintenance Plan budgets for Ozone precursor NOx. Linear interpolation is overestimating emissions and producing a non-parabolic emissions curve.

  • Please describe past client projects you have completed for MPOs that are similar in nature to that proposed in this document.

  • Ozone precursor emissions of reactive organic gases (ROG) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are primarily associated with gas and diesel equipment exhaust and the application of architectural coatings.

  • Ozone precursor was produced by an ozone generator BMT Messtechnik 803N using oxygen and catalytic nitrogen to gain approximately 8 g/h ozone production.

  • Quantitative assessment of tropospheric ozone, ozone precursors, and OH (hydroxyl radical) distri­ butions and trends depends on our ability to self­ consistently relate: Ozone precursor sources and emissions; Mechanisms of ozone and hydroxyl radical formation and loss; Observations of ozone, OH, and precursors; Model results and observations of ozone.

  • It was then preconcentrated at -30oC (maintained by a Peltier cooling system) at 20 ml/min, on an Ozone precursor trap (U-T17O3P- 2S, Markes Internatioal, UK).

  • The caps for the impoundments will require continued maintenance to maintain the site contours, vegetative cover, and drainage.

  • Ozone precursor emissions of ROG and NOx are estimated to decrease by 75 and 48 percent, respectively, during the 1985 to 2005 period.

  • Impact AQ-3: Ozone precursor emissions ( Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)/Reactive Organic Gases and Nitrogen Oxides) emissions from dairy operations, farm equipment, and increased traffic (DEIR, pps.

  • Ozone precursor emissions generated from the carbonization process are VOCs. Hexcel is currently permitted to operate 14 Fiber Lines.

Related to Ozone precursor

  • Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen which, upon administration to a person, will result in immunity and, specifically for the purposes of this rule, shall mean influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

  • Animal means any nonhuman animate being endowed with the power of voluntary action.