Radionuclide means a radioactive element or a radioactive isotope.
Radionuclide means a type of atom that spontaneously undergoes radioactive decay. Radionuclides are hazardous substances under the act.
Radionuclide means a radioactive form of an ele- ment.
Examples of Radionuclide in a sentence
Note: WDOH is only delegated the Radionuclide NESHAPs. Other NESHAPs will be enforced by Washington State Department of Ecology and local air agencies, as applicable.
Radionuclide Cubic Feet Gallons Gallons No. of Vials Size Quantity Type Cubic Feet Enter text here.
Radionuclide air emissions disperse once they enter the atmosphere.
Radionuclide air concentrations at receptor locations are determined using the site-specific meteorological data.
M.; Bernier, G.; Pacary, V.; Balaguer, C.; Sorel, C.; Berlemont, R.; Fries, B.; Bertrand, M.; Cames, B.; Leydier, A.; Turgis, R.; Arrachart, G.; Pellet-Rostaing, S.; Mokhtari, H.
More Definitions of Radionuclide
Radionuclide means a type of atom which spontaneously undergoes radio- active decay.
Radionuclide means a type of atom which spontaneously undergoes radio- active decay.[54 FR 51697, Dec. 15, 1989, as amended at 61FR 68981, Dec. 30, 1996]§ 61.102 Standard.(a) Emissions of radionuclides, in- cluding iodine, to the ambient air from a facility regulated under this subpart shall not exceed those amounts that would cause any member of the public to receive in any year an effective dose equivalent of 10 mrem/yr.(b) Emissions of iodine to the ambi- ent air from a facility regulated under this subpart shall not exceed those amounts that would cause any member of the public to receive in any year an effective dose equivalent of 3 mrem/yr.§ 61.103 Determining compliance.(a) Compliance with the emission standard in this subpart shall be deter- mined through the use of either the EPA computer code COMPLY or the al- ternative requirements of appendix E. Facilities emitting radionuclides not listed in COMPLY or appendix E shall contact EPA to receive the informa- tion needed to determine dose. The source terms to be used for input into COMPLY shall be determined through the use of the measurement procedures listed in § 61.107 or the emission factors in appendix D or through alternative § 61.104procedures for which EPA has granted prior approval; or,(b) Facilities may demonstrate com- pliance with the emission standard in this subpart through the use of com- puter models that are equivalent to COMPLY, provided that the model has received prior approval from EPA headquarters. Any facility using a model other than COMPLY must file an annual report. EPA may approve an alternative model in whole or in part and may limit its use to specific cir- cumstances.§ 61.104 Reporting requirements.(a) The owner or operator of a facil- ity subject to this subpart must submit an annual report to the EPA covering the emissions of a calendar year by March 31 of the following year.
Radionuclide means an isotope of any element which spontaneously emits any ionising radiation;
Radionuclide means a radioactive form of an element.
Radionuclide means an atom whose nucleus undergoes radioactive decay naturally; “registration” means registration under section 18;
Radionuclide means a radioactive element of a radioactive isotope.
Radionuclide means any substance listed in 40 CFR 302.4, Appendix B.