Examples of P arties in a sentence
Any representations or promises not specifically detailed in this Contract will not be valid or binding on the P arties.
If a Party breaches the foregoing obligation, the breaching party shall pay to the non-breaching Party twelve times the most currentmonthly base salary of the relevant person, such sum deemed by both P arties to be fair compensation for the loss suffered as a result of the breach.
The P arties acknowledge and mutually agree Glenview shall be responsible for all IT costs and services related to maintain the New World Computer Aided Dispatch, New World Records Management System (“ New World RMS”), New World Mobile and Field Reporting Systems, and all other software/hardware components, New World or otherwise, integrated with the New World System to the extent those components are physically located in Glenview.
Settling Parties, and each of them, further represent and declare that each of Settling Parties respectively has carefully read this Agreement and know its contents, and that each of Settling P arties signs this Agreement freely and voluntarily.
A lC onfid entialUtility Information, in whatever form,med ia,or med iu m provid ed orheld ,and alex tracts,compilations, stu d ies,or other d ocu ments based on,d erived from,or containing C onfid entialUtilityInformation,ald ata electronicaly exchanged between the P arties,and alcorrespond ence between or among the P arties or their respective Representatives pertaining to the same shalconstitu te C onfid entialUtility Information hereu nd er.
Several members of this Court have acknowledged the relevance and benefits of such comparative methodology.20 of Reports Submitted By States P arties Under Article 19 of the Convention: Unite d St ate s o f America, U.N. Do c.
We managed to save them from drowning and get them to a warm ambulance thanks to having the right people and the right gear at the right time.
All disputes among the P arties, in connection with or arising out of the existence, validity, construction, performance and termination of this Agreement (or any terms thereof), which the Parties are unable to resolve among themselves, shall be finally settled by an Arbitration.
This Agreement shall be binding on the P arties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
A REP may use a different term than a defined term by adding or deleting a suffix, by adding the word “total” to a defined term, where appropriate, changing the use of lowercase or capital letters or punctuation, or using the acceptable abbreviation specified in this paragraph for a defined term.