Manufacturing operation means a process in which materials are changed, converted, or transformed into a different state or form from which they previously existed and includes refining materials, assembling parts, and preparing raw materials and parts by mixing, measuring, blending, or otherwise committing such materials or parts to the manufacturing process. "Manufacturing operation" does not include packaging.
Packaging means the assembly of components necessary to ensure compliance with the packaging requirements of these regulations. It may consist of one or more receptacles, absorbent materials, spacing structures, thermal insulation, radiation shielding, and devices for cooling or absorbing mechanical shocks. The vehicle, tie-down system, and auxiliary equipment may be designated as part of the packaging.
Manufacturing Facilities means facilities engaged in the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products and shall include:
Manufacturing means all activities directed to sourcing of necessary raw materials, producing, processing, packaging, labeling, quality assurance testing, release of a Licensed Product or Licensed Product candidate, whether for Development or Commercialization. When used as a verb, “Manufacture” means to engage in Manufacturing.
Manufacturing Facility means buildings and structures, including machinery and equipment, the primary purpose of which is or will be the manufacture of tangible goods or materials or the processing of such goods or materials by physical or chemical change.
Farming operation means raising, cultivating, propagating, fattening, grazing, or any other farming, livestock, or aquacultural operation.
Product Labeling means (a) the full prescribing information for the Product approved by the applicable Regulatory Authority, and (b) all labels and other written, printed or graphic information included in or placed upon any container, wrapper or package insert used with or for the Product.
API means American Petroleum Institute.
Manufacturing Services means the manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, stability testing, packaging, and related services, set forth in this Agreement, required to manufacture Product or Products from Active Materials and Components;
Finished Services means complete end-to-end services offered by CenturyLink to wholesale customers or retail End User Customers. Finished Services do not include Unbundled Network Elements or combinations of Unbundled Network Elements. Finished Services include Access Services, private lines, retail services, and resold services.
Biodiesel fuel means a renewable, biodegradable, mono alkyl ester combustible liquid fuel derived from agricultural plant oils or animal fat such as, but not limited to, soybean oil. For purposes of this definition, “biodiesel fuel” must also meet the specifications of American Society for Testing and Material Specifications (ASTM) D 6751-02, “Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel (B100) Blend Stock for Distillate Fuels,” and be registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a fuel and a fuel additive under Section 211(b) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 7401, et seq. as amended through November 15, 1990.
Cannabis production establishment agent means a cannabis cultivation facility
Manufacturing Site means the facilities where a Compound is Manufactured by or on behalf of a Party, as such Manufacturing Site may change from time to time in accordance with Section 8.7.
Remanufacturing means the activity of overhauling, retrofitting, fabricating, or repairing a product or its component parts for ultimate sale at retail.
Drop shipment means the sale of a prescription drug to a
Mining operation means any operations undertaken for the purpose of winning any mineral as defined in section 3 (d) of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.
Shipment means a volume of products offered to and accepted by Carrier for transportation.
Finished Products means any one or more of the following petroleum oils, or a mixture or combination of these oils, to be used without further processing except blending by mechanical means:
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
QA means Quality Assurance.
Transit-oriented development means infrastructure improvements that are located within 1/2 mile of a transit station or transit-oriented facility that promotes transit ridership or passenger rail use as determined by the board and approved by the municipality in which it is located.
blending operation means actions supported by the EU budget, including within blending facilities pursuant to Article 2(6) of the Financial Regulation, combining non-repayable forms of support and/or financial instruments from the EU budget with repayable forms of support from development or other public finance institutions, as well as from commercial finance institutions and investors.
Promotion means a change from an employee's position to one with a higher maximum salary level.
Product means any deliverable under the Contract, which may include commodities, services, technology or software.
Finished Product means a cannabis product in its final form to be sold at a retail premises.
Marketing program means a program established by order of the director pursuant to this act prescribing rules and regulations governing the marketing for processing, distributing, selling, or handling an agricultural commodity produced in this state or agricultural commodity input during a specified period and