PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date and ending 10 years later.
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effec- tive date and ending 10 years later.
PAL effective period means theperiod beginning with the PAL effec- tive date and ending 10 years later.
Examples of PAL effective period in a sentence
The CPI excluding food and energy rose 0.4% in March to 5.6% higher than a year earlier.
The reviewing authority shall specify a PAL effective period of 10 years.
Any PAL which is not renewed in accordance with the procedures in paragraph (f)(10) of this section shall expire at the end of the PAL effective period, and the re- quirements in paragraphs (f)(9)(i) through (v) of this section shall apply.
Any PAL that is not renewed in accordance with the procedures in paragraph (aa)(10) of this section shall expire at the end of the PAL effective period, and the requirements in paragraphs (aa)(9)(i) through (v) of this section shall apply.
The Administrator shall specify a PAL effective period of 10 years.
More Definitions of PAL effective period
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date and ending 10years later.
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date and ending ten
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date and ending 10 years later. 1720. “PAL major modification” means any physical change in or change in the method of operation of the PAL
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL ef- fective date and ending ten (10) years later.
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date and ending 10 years later. (viii)PAL major modification means, notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(6) and (8) (the definitions for major modification and net emissions increase), any physical change in or change in the method of operation of the PAL source that causes it to emit the PAL pollutant at a level equal to or greater than the PAL. (ix) PAL permit means the major NSR permit, the minor NSR permit, or the State operating permit under Regulation 61-62.1 Section II G, or the Title V permit issued by the Department that establishes a PAL for a major stationary source. (x) PAL pollutant means the pollutant for which a PAL is established at a major stationarysource. (xi) Significant emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit a PAL pollutant in an amount that is equal to or greater than the significant level (as defined in paragraph (c)(13) or in the Clean Air Act, whichever is lower) for that PAL pollutant, but less than the amount that would qualify the unit as a major emissions unit as defined in paragraph (i)(2)(iv).
PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date and ending ten (10) years later. “PAL major modification” means, notwithstanding the definitions of “major stationary source” and “major