Examples of Major modification in a sentence
Box 3: Major modification from the original design (a) Decline in quality and/or functions of products and/or services from the original design;(b) Increase in amount of the contract price; and(c) Change of project sites.
This is only a commercial designation for airplanes on which Major modification numbers M1691, M1745, and M1504 have been embodied.
Major modification of LT OH distribution line :A total of seven LT feeder has been modified and four of new LT feeders have been erected.
However, the CAAS will need to be informed within 1 month after the completion of the repair using such repair data.2.3.3 Minor modification to a product may be made in accordance with data approved by the CAAS or by a CAAS-approved SAR-21 Design Organisation.2.3.4 Major modification to a product must not be made without CAAS approval.2.4 Airworthiness Directives (AD) Control Procedures.Within this section of the CAAS Supplement, the SAR-145 AMO will describe how it will:a.
Major modification or rehabilita- tion of an existing cabin must be ap- proved by the refuge manager before construction begins.