Examples of Park Lands Act in a sentence
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows: Part 1—Preliminary1—Short titleThis Act may be cited as the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005.2—CommencementThis Act will come into operation on a day to be fixed by proclamation.
Financial contributions may be made to the Authority in accordance with section 22(2) of the Park Lands Act and all such contributions will be paid into the Fund.
The case may become a legal precedent as the first federal test of the Preservation of Park Lands Act.
Schedule “B” OffencesAny offence under the following Acts and Regulations, other than those listed specifically in Schedule “A”:The Resource Tourism Operators Act, The Wildlife Act,The Fisheries Act (Manitoba), The Environment Act,The Provincial Park Lands Act, The Wild Fires Act,The Crown Lands Act, Fisheries Act (Canada),Migratory Birds Convention Act (Canada).
The land also falls within the Adelaide Park Lands as defined in the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 (SA).
Hugh Delahunty MLAPortfolio responsibility Minister for Veterans’ Affairs BackgroundThe Bill amends the Shrine of Remembrance Act 1978 and the Melbourne Market and Park Lands Act 1933 to amend the composition, duties and powers of the trustees of the Shrine of Remembrance and to further provide for management powers in respect of the Shrine of Remembrance.
For example the APLMS, which has been adopted by both the CoA and State Government in accord with (Adelaide Park Lands) Act extensively addresses movement and parking, advertising and fencing, well beyond the level of general policy.
The Authority is established by section 5 of the Park Lands Act and is taken to be a single Council Subsidiary of the Council under section 42 of the LG Act.
The Board shall have the responsibility to manage all of the activities of the Authority ensuring that the Authority acts in accordance with this Charter and the provisions of the Park Lands Act and the LG Act.
The Provincial Parks Act is amended by striking out "or under The Provincial Park Lands Act, R.S.M. 1987, c.