Examples of Park Supervisor in a sentence
When the Park Supervisor or Supervising Naturalist is scheduled for a normal day off and there are 2 or more regularly scheduled employees, an acting supervisor will be designated.
In the event there are applicants for transfer for the position of Park Supervisor or Supervising Naturalist, a selection shall be made from either the transfer list or the candidate pool from the most recent hiring process to fill the position.
During all events, a Park Supervisor paid for by the Town will be on call for use of the pavilion at Northwest Park.
Management oversight has been split between the Park Director (Operations) and a Park Supervisor (Maintenance).
Park Rangers-Community and Neighborhood Parks $106,000Ranger Support: Add a Park Supervisor position to oversee the Urban Park Ranger Patrol Program.
Due to seasonal fluctuation in hours, the Park Supervisor shall be allowed to accrue overtime to a maximum of 240 hours annually.
The Concessionaire shall provide the District Park Supervisor with a current list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of the person(s) in charge of the daily operation of the concession.
One lead who shall remain onsite, must communicate in English with Park Supervisor or designee.
Inspection of Facilities: To arrange for a personal inspection of the facilities, contact the Park Supervisor of Pontiac Lake Recreation Area at (248) 666-1020.
The decision of the Park Supervisor or designate is final in these matters.