Examples of Party Headquarters in a sentence
Challenges pertaining to state delegate credentials or eligibility must be received in writing at State Party Headquarters no later than 5 p.m. three days prior to the State Convention.
The letter of intent must be received at the State Party Headquarters no later than 5 p.m. on the Thursday which occurs 28 days prior to the State Party Convention.
A delegate may submit a written resignation to State Democratic Party Headquarters, either by e-mail or by hard copy, at any time before the Convention.
In Presidential election years, any enrolled Democrat who expects to be eligible to participate in a municipal caucus, but to be unable to attend, may apply to State Party Headquarters to register for the caucus and declare his or her presidential preference by mail.2. Applications may be sent on or after January 1.
The Chairman of Markets Committee who was present at the visit of the Prime Minister to Smithfield Market clarified further details, that the City Corporation did not use this as a publicity opportunity itself and no press release was issued, and that the Prime Minister was not invited by the City Corporation butthe request had come through only the afternoon before from her private office at the Conservative Party Headquarters.
Reports on local Party membership statistics, local associations, Halkevi members, executives and activities, all these documents were composed in the form of a questionnare, a set of questions to be answered, an amount of information to be given to the Party Headquarters.
No later than seven days after the caucus, the caucus chair shall submit a report to State Party Headquarters, on a form prescribed by State Headquarters.
Any State Central Committee member may submit agenda items if submitted in written form and received at the Party Headquarters one week prior to the official meeting notice being sent to members.
Current concerns about saving the environment lead us to reduce pesticide applications as much as possible.
The first hotline between the two Korean leaders was installed between the Blue House and the Worker’s Party Headquarters for the first time on April 20, a week before the Panmunjom meeting on April 27, 2020.