Passport data definition
Examples of Passport data in a sentence
Information on OwnerName of the Owner Document of the ownership* Passport data Contact address and phone number Date consulted Signature of owner * In case of registered owners it can be cadaster certificate, in case of leaseholders it can be a lease agreement or leas cadaster certificate, in case of non-registered users it can be certificate from LocalAuthorities 3.
Although the administrative organization of the Athlete Biological Passport program may be adapted to best suit the relevant Anti-Doping Organization, this guideline seeks to foster harmonization in the area of program administration in the interests of mutual recognition of Athlete Biological Passport data, standardized practice and to ensure overall efficiency in program application more generally.
WADA shall act as a central clearinghouse for Doping Control Testing data and results, including, in particular, Athlete Biological Passport data for International-Level Athletes and National-Level Athletes and whereabouts information for Athletes including those in Registered Testing Pools.
However most information relates to the Passport data of the accessions, i.e. information relating to its collection (genus and species, collection date and collection site coordinates, or information on its donor if the sample has been provided by another institute).Only a limited number of accessions have undergone regeneration, characterisation and some preliminary evaluation, yielding data, which will eventually be used to create species- specific characterisation and evaluation databases.
This standardization of procedure allows for the sharing and mutual recognition of Passport data between the anti-doping programs of multiple ADOs. Only programs that fully adhere to these protocols and fully utilize ADAMS can be considered ABP Programs.
ADOs that fail to share Passport data via ADAMS do not operate an ABP program.Within the framework provided by the ISPPPI, ADOs are encouraged to coordinate their activities where multiple ADOs have Testing jurisdiction over a single Athlete and multiple ADOs may wish to perform Passport Testing.
For safflower, the Passport data are divided into 10 ‘acces- sion data’ and 15 ‘collection data’ groups; the Characterization and Preliminary Evalu- ation data are categorized into 5 site data and 25 plant (i.e. vegetative, flower / fruit, seed) data groups.
Both questionnaires were structured in a similar way with four blocks of questions: “General information" (A), "Relationships with suppliers and customers" (B), "Relation- ships with banks, financial institutions and public administration" (C) and "Passport data" (D).Despite the uniform structure the questions in the two questionnaires are not absolutely identical.
Passport data, as well as some characterisation/evaluation data, can be searched via the Internet portal GBIS/I (
Passport data related to the site, the accessions and the provider farmer.