Elective abortion means the intentional use of an instrument, drug, or other substance or device to terminate a woman’s pregnancy for a purpose other than to increase the probability of a live birth, to preserve the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a fetus that has died as a result of natural causes, accidental trauma, or a criminal assault on the pregnant woman. Elective abortion does not include any of the following:
Designated Center means a State Development and Redevelopment Plan Center as designated by the State Planning Commission such as urban, regional, town, village, or hamlet.
Alternate member means a person who is qualified under Iowa Code section 148.2A to substitute for a board member who is disqualified or becomes unavailable for any other reason for a contested case hearing. An alternate board member is deemed a member of the board only for the hearing panel(s) for which the alternate board member serves.
Selective Routing is a service which automatically routes an E911 call to the PSAP that has jurisdictional responsibility for the service address of the telephone that dialed 911, irrespective of telephone company exchange or Wire Center boundaries.
Access Credentials means any username, identification number, password, license or security key, security token, PIN or other security code, method, technology or device used, alone or in combination, to verify an individual’s identity and authorization to access and use Hosted Services.