Examples of Maximum medical improvement in a sentence
Maximum medical improvement should be determined based on the outcome of the clinical course of treatment, the medical provider’s expertise and any further treatment options available to the claimant.
Maximum medical improvement is the level at which, based on reasonable medical probability, further material recovery from, or lasting improvement to, an injury or sickness can no longer be reasonably anticipated.
Maximum medical improvement is statutorily defined as Athe date after which no further significant recovery from or significant lasting improvement to a personal injury can reasonably be anticipated, based upon reasonable medical probability.@[2] Minn.
Maximum medical improvement (MMI) was not an issue in the case and the date found by the designated doctor and the hearing officer was February 26, 1993.
Maximum medical improvement is an issue of ultimate fact to be decided by the compensation judge after considering medical opinions, records, and other evidence, however, the opinion of a physician is not necessarily controlling.