person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; “person treated as not being in Great Britain” has the meaning given by paragraph 21;
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; “person treated as not being in Great Britain” has the meaning given by article 12; “person who is not a pensioner” has the meaning given by article 3(b);
More Definitions of person on income support
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; “person treated as not being in Great Britain” has the meaning given by point 2.2 “person who is not a pensioner” has the meaning given in paragraph 1.2
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; “person who is not a pensioner” has the meaning given by paragraph 3(2)(b);
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; ‘personal independence payment’ has the meaning given by Part 4 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 and the Social Security (Personal Independence Payments) 2013;
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; ‘personal independence payment’ as defined within the Welfare Reform Act 2012 ’personal pension scheme’ means–
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; “person on state pension credit” means a person in receipt of state pension credit;
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; ‘personal independence payment’ ad defined within the Welfare Reform Act 2012;
person on income support means a person in receipt of income support; ‘personal independence payment’ has the meaning given by Part 4 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012;