Examples of Physical Core in a sentence
A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate physical hardware system.• Physical Core.
A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate physical hardware system. Physical Core.
Oddiel hardvéru alebo zariadenie blade sa považujú za samostatný systém fyzického hardvéru.• Physical Core: A physical core is a core in a physical processor.
Hardverska particija ili blade smatra se zasebnim fizičkim hardverskim sustavom.• Physical Core: A physical core is a core in a physical processor.
Mr Grant has appealed against the Panel’s decision, and on 27 May 2008 filed a “Defence Brief” which indicated that he wished to reinstate various of the grounds of complaint which he had elected not to pursue before the Panel and also raised entirely new allegations.
Particija ali rezina strojne opreme je ločen fizični sistem strojne opreme.• Physical Core: A physical core is a core in a physical processor.
Hanford 100-N Area In Situ Apatite and Phosphate Emplacement by Groundwater and Jet Injection: Geochemical and Physical Core Analysis.
A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate physical hardware system.• Physical Core: A physical core is a core in a physical processor.
Operating System- AWS Linux, Type of Storage Media/Drive- SSD, RAM(in GB)- 32,vCPU, 128GB RAM ,Physical Core to vCPU Ratio-'Not morethan 1:2.
A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate physical hardware system.□ Physical Core.