Physical Escort definition
Examples of Physical Escort in a sentence
Physical Escort: a temporary touching or holding, without the use of force, of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back for the purpose of inducing a student who is agitated to walk to a safe location.
Physical Escort: A temporary touching or holding, without the use of force, of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back for the purpose of inducing a student who is agitated to walk to a safe location.
Physical Escort A child can be escorted from one area to another if they are noncompliant, disruptive to the school, and have been asked to take a time out and have refused to do so.
Time out lasting more than half of the school day will be considered an In School Suspension, regardless of whether the student chose to leave or was told to do so by staff, Physical Escort: Physical escort is not considered to be physical restraint.
An educational surrogate parent.2.6 Physical Escort means the temporary touching or holding, without the use of force, of the hand, wrist, arm, or back of a student who is exhibiting minimal resistance for the purpose of directing movement from one place to another.2.7 Physical Restraint means the use of physical force to prevent an imminent and substantial risk of bodily harm to the student or others.