PIC. , as used in this rule, means the pharmacist-in-charge.
PIC means the pharmacist-in-charge of a permitted pharmacy.
PIC means primary Interexchange Carrier.
Examples of PIC in a sentence
The Contractors and Sub-Contractors must be informed that: - The Order 7th February 2012 applies to all the components important for the protection (PIC) and the activities important for the protection (PIA).
The surveillance is applied to the complete supply chain involved in the construction of the PIC components.
In compliance with the Order, IO performs surveillance on Protection Important Activities (PIAs) related to the construction of PIC components.
More Definitions of PIC
PIC means Pilot in Command.
PIC means Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C., a subsidiary of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, a company owned by the State of Kuwait;
PIC means the pharmacist-in-charge.
PIC means the Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. Pension Investment Committee.
PIC means the pharmacist-in-charge whose name is on the pharmaceutical processor or cannabis dispensing facility application for a permit that has been issued and who shall have oversight of the processor's dispensing area or cannabis dispensing facility.
PIC means a pharmacist in charge who oversees the operation and generally supervises a medical cannabis pharmacy.
PIC means Primary Interexchange Carrier.