Examples of Planned Business in a sentence
The Planned Business Development tract to be subdivided shall be at least five (5) acres in size.
A Planned Business Development shall be subject to the granting of a Special Use Permit by the Planning Board in accordance with RSA 674:21.
The provisions relating to Planned Business Developments are intended to encourage the efficient and unobtrusive placement of non-residential buildings to allow flexibility and variety in commercial development with the prescribed limits.
Application for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Business Development shall be made to the Planning Board as allowed by RSA 674:21.
The Planned Business Development tract to be subdivided shall have at least four hundred (400) feet of frontage on a Class V or better public road.
Planned Business Developments may be allowed in the R/C and RLC Zones.
It is the purpose of the Planned Business Development Overlay District to provide a flexible alternative to the strict application of the requirements of the underlying zoning, in order to encourage effectively planned and designed business developments, to prevent the deterioration of property and protect private investments, and to promote public health, safety and welfare.
Space Requirements for Business Zone Chart 4-9407 Planned Business District 4-11408.
In 2017, the Town Board approved Ordinance 2017-6 to allow for “massage” as a conditional use in the B-2 Planned Business district.
Uses for properties in the Oak Harbor and Langley Urban Growth Areas, but not incorporated into the city limits, shall be as shown in Table 17.03.035.D; properties in the Oak Harbor Residential (OH-R), Oak Harbor Industrial (OH-I), Oak Harbor Highway Service Commercial (OH-HSC), Oak Harbor Planned Business Park (OH-PBP), Oak Harbor Planned Industrial Park (OH-PIP), and UGA Langley (UGA-L) zoning districts For uses inside the Freeland Non-Municipal Urban Growth Area, see ICC 17.06.