Planning Proposal definition

Planning Proposal means the planning proposal for the Land which received Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning and Environment on 2 March 2023 (PP- 2022-2530).
Planning Proposal means an application to amend the Waverley Local Environmental Plan 2012 proponent means the party that is responsible for lodging a planning proposal with Council.
Planning Proposal means a planning proposal within the meaning of the Act in respect of the land at and around Town Centre for which a gateway determination was issued on 26 November 2019 with reference number PP_2019_CAMDE_003_00 which proposes to amend the SEPP to:

Examples of Planning Proposal in a sentence

  • Development The development on the Land which relies on the Alternative Height of Buildings Map that is permitted by the controls proposed in the Planning Proposal and subject to the resultant Instrument Change, noting that this includes every Development Consent granted as a result of the Planning Proposal.

More Definitions of Planning Proposal

Planning Proposal means the planning proposal lodged by or on behalf of the Developer on or about 14 April 2020 with the City. Public Benefits means the provision of benefits to the community by the Developer in the form and at the times specified in Schedule 3.
Planning Proposal means the planning proposal lodged by or on behalf of the Developer on or about 19 December 2019 with the City. Public Art Contribution means that part of the Public Benefits described as “Public Art Contribution” in clause 1 of Schedule 3 to be paid by the Developer in accordance with this document
Planning Proposal means planning proposal PP_2014_BALLI_001_00 as registered with the New South Wales Department of Planning & Environment in relation to the Land.
Planning Proposal means a written document that explains the intended effects of a proposed Local Environmental Plan and/or State Environmental Planning Policy and sets out the justification for making that plan, prepared in accordance with A guide to preparing planning proposals (prepared by DPIE, December 2018).
Planning Proposal means the revised planning proposal prepared by the City under section 55 of the Act in response to the request contained in the Revised LLCQ Planning Justification Report and attached to this Agreement in Schedule 4. Premises means the premises for the Business Innovation Space Long Term Lease or the Business Innovation Space Short Term Lease Public Art has the meaning given to it under Item 2.1(f) of Annexure A. Public Benefits means the provision of benefits to the community by the Developer in the form and at the times specified in Schedule 3. Quantity Surveyor means a qualified independent and practising quantity surveyor with at least five years’ experience in the assessment of building and construction costs. Quantity Surveyor’s Assessment means the assessment by the Quantity Surveyor of the cost to deliver the Developer’s Works.
Planning Proposal means a planning proposal within the meaning of s3.33 of the Act as detailed in Item 2 of Schedule 1.
Planning Proposal is the means by which a local environmental plan is made or amended. It is defined in section 55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act) as a document that explains the intended effect of the proposed instrument and sets out justification for making the proposed instrument. A significant planning proposal in Mosman would, for example, be an amendment to Mosman Local Environmental Plan 2012 to change the zone, height or floor space ratio of land to facilitate a greater density of housing.