Planning Policy. KCC supports the longstanding ambition to regenerate the Romney Xxxxx area, in particular the town of New Romney which is identified in the Shepway District Council (SDC) Core Strategy Local Plan 2013 as the Primary Strategic Centre for Xxxxxx Xxxxx. The County Council recognises that if growth in New Romney is to be sustainable, the provision of business and services should be underpinned by an expanded residential base. KCC is fully supportive of proposal which will make a significant contribution to improving the competitiveness of New Romney Town. The introduction of new build residential dwellings will continue to boost the viability of the Town Centre. The application site is situated to the north/north west of New Romney Town Centre and in identified as a broad location for residential led development under Core Strategy Policy CSD8. Policy CSD8 sets out the policy framework for the development of the site which is to be preceded by the preparation of a masterplan demonstrating compliance with policy objectives and criteria. The County Council recognises the need for a masterplan to avoid piecemeal development which would undermine the policy objectives of the broad location and lead to the unsustainable provision of necessary infrastructure.
Planning Policy. 16.1 Canada and Manitoba will co-operate to provide the resources required to enable each of the five communities represented by the Committee to formulate a comprehensive Community Development Plan and to coordinate such Plan with government plans as provided for in Schedule "E" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement.
16.2 Such Plan shall be prepared and coordinated with a view to enabling the communities to provide continued opportunity to carry on their traditional lifestyles to the maximum extent practical, to deal with social and economic problems that may be identified, to take advantage of opportunities that may be identified, and to recommend the practical means that may be available for implementation of the Plans formulated.
16.3 Canada agrees, within the limits of the community planning budget of the Manitoba Regional Office of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, to make professional assistance and services available to the five Bands for the objective of completing Community Development Plans for the Reserves by March 31, 1981.
16.4 Canada and Manitoba undertake to consider and implement any recommendation they jointly or severally deem to be practical by any means, including the use of the existing Northlands Agreement and/or future like agreements intended to contribute to the viability of a community.
16.5 The principles reflecting the objectives and the methods to be used in achieving those objectives as outlined in the following documents:
16.5.1 Manitoba Order-in-Council dated 5th day of February, 1975 signed by Premier Schreyer,
16.5.2 The Canada-Manitoba Interim Subsidiary Agreement referred to therein and attached thereto,
16.5.3 The General Development Agreement between the said Governments dated 5th day of June, 1975, The Strategy for Development of Northern Manitoba, all of which relate to the Canada-Manitoba Northlands Agreement, and shall be followed in the development, co-ordination and implementation of Community Development Plans affecting the subject Reserves. Table of Contents see Article 17 back to Article 14 Government Links: home | welcome | on-line services | news | help | departments | contact | Table of Contents
Planning Policy. Table 4.1 – Planning Policy Ref. Description of Matter Applicant – Current Position SDC and NYCC – Current Position Position
4.1.1 NPS The relevant National Policy Statements (NPSs) for the Proposed Scheme include the Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1) (Department for Energy and Climate Change, 2011) and the National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy and Infrastructure (EN-3) (Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2011), which represent the primary policy basis for the determination of the DCO Application as will be set out in the Planning Statement. Draft revised NPSs were published for consultation from September to November 2021. As the DCO Application was accepted for examination before the designation of any amendments to the NPS, the original suite of NPSs represent the SDC/ NYCC agree with the applicant’s position. There are no outstanding matters to be agreed with regard to the status of the Proposed Scheme as a NSIP and the applicability of the NPSs. Agreed primary policy basis for the determination of the DCO Application.
4.1.2 NPPF The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was originally published in 2012 and last updated in July 2021. Whilst the NPSs are the primary consenting framework against which the DCO application will be assessed, the NPPF constitutes secondary planning policy framework, against which the proposals must also be assessed. The government’s ‘Planning Practice Guidance’ constitutes guidance to support the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The policies of relevance to the Application are set out in the Planning Statement. SDC/ NYCC agree with the applicant’s position. Agreed
4.1.3 Development Plan Local planning policies from the relevant authorities can be ‘important and relevant’ considerations for the Secretary of State (SoS) in determining the DCO Application. SDC/ NYCC agree with the applicant’s position in terms of the Development Plan of relevance to the proposals, and that the policies listed by the applicant in Agreed The current adopted Development Plan of relevance to the proposals comprises: • Xxxxx District Core Strategy Local Plan (2013) (SDCSLP); • Saved Policies of xxx Xxxxx District Local Plan (2005) (SDLP); and • The North Yorkshire Minerals and Waste Joint Plan (2022) (NYMWJP). The policies of relevance to the Application and how the Scheme accords with them are set out in the Planning Statement. Selby is preparing a new Loca...
Planning Policy. The site is within the development boundary for Melrose and so the proposal must be assessed principally against policy PMD5. Within Development Boundaries development on non-allocated, infill or windfall sites will be approved if certain criteria are met. These criteria will be assessed within this report. One criterion is that the proposal should not conflict with the established land use of the area. The surrounding area is predominantly residential in character and so the proposal to build residential apartments on the site would be in keeping with this part of Melrose. The Planning Statement advises that the development would provide apartments for retired/older residents. The agent advises that people downsizing into a retirement flats frees up larger family houses, increasing the housing land supply and creating a chain of movements which ultimately means dwellings become available to a first time buyers, thereby slowing the rise of house prices. This site would be an ideal location for apartments of this nature, being close to the town centre, health centre and public transport. The proposal would increase the variety of accommodation types available in Melrose and provide accommodation for those of, or close to, retirement age not readily available at the moment. Policy PMD2 of the LDP requires all development to be of high quality in accordance with sustainability principles, designed to fit in with Borders townscapes and to integrate with its landscape surroundings. The policy contains a number of standards that would apply to all development. Policy PMD5 requires that the development respects the scale, form, design, materials and density of its surroundings; the individual and cumulative effects of the development should not lead to over- development or town cramming; the proposal should not detract from the character and amenity of the surrounding area. The proposal is to demolish the existing buildings on the site, which are out with the Conservation Area and are not listed, therefore consent is not required for their demolition. The photograph in the Design Statement shows a handsome church of historic merit but the church and manse have been significantly altered and extended over time, although elements of the historic fabric remain. They now have a low heritage value and so there are no objections to their demolition The proposal is to erect a replacement building accommodating 14 apartments, four on each floor and two in the attic. An u...
Planning Policy. In keeping with the purpose of this Agreement, the Parties hereby authorize and direct the Board to undertake and/or participate in such analysis and planning as necessary to provide for the control of waters of or potentially within the boundaries of the Parties. The specific objective thereof shall be to obtain a regional solution to the Water Control problems. To achieve this objective, the studies and planning may include, but are not limited to, proposals for the construction of an upstream storage; the rehabilitation or elevation of levees, and assumption and/or maintenance of Water Control Works of any of the Parties of the Agency. The studies and planning shall also concentrate on the financing methods for such proposals, as well as the allocation of costs among the Parties. Consideration shall be given to the value to the Agency of acquiring and/or operating Facilities presently owned by Parties and the allocation of the maintenance and operating costs to the Parties.
Planning Policy. South Gloucestershire Council will: Town & Parish Councils will:
Planning Policy. Corporate Planning Cycle Approach to the planning of capital works Capital Projects Co‐ordination with Municipal WSDP’s (Water Service Development Plans)
Planning Policy. 2) Utilizing Partnership with Korean Counterparts 3) Improving Work (Work process, work performance, etc.
Planning Policy. 4.1 In considering the request, Members need to be aware of why the Section 106 Agreement was imposed in the first instance. The site is located outside the village environmental limits in the open countryside where development plan policy, in the past as it does today, restricts non-essential residential development.
4.2 The following current Policies in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan are relevant: • P1/1 - sets out where new development should be located • P1/2 - sets out environmental restrictions on development indicating that in the countryside development is to be restricted to that which is essential in a particular rural location.
4.3 The following Policies in the Huntingdonshire Local Plan are relevant: • En17 - restricts development in the countryside to that which is essential to the effective operation of local agriculture, horticulture, forestry, permitted mineral extraction, outdoor recreation or public utility services. • H23 – indicates that there is a general presumption against housing outside village environmental limits with the exception of dwellings required for the efficient management of agriculture, forestry or horticulture.
Planning Policy. CBC’s vision for the site is established by reference to the current policy document framework for the site, namely: