Examples of Political Issue in a sentence
João Márcio Mendes Pereira, The World Bank’s ‘Market-Assisted’ Land Reform as a Political Issue: Evidence from Brazil (1997–2006), 82 EUR.
Longshoremen, The NAACP, And Political Issue Advocacy In 1982, the Supreme Court decided two cases that highlight the ways the Court has attempted to distinguish labor activity outlawed by §8(b)(4)(ii)(B) from legal secondary boycotts by other speakers.
The Polish Question as a Political Issue within Philosophical Dispute… keep him from putting it to bad use.”30 So if Leszczyński reproaches Rousseau for not admitting that virtue and science can exist in mutual harmony, he misses the point, because the question is not whether someone is able to be both virtuous and learned, but that too much knowledge means danger for a society as a whole.
Wright et al., The Jury Sunshine Project: Jury Selection Data as a Political Issue, 2018 U.
A Political Issue The climate crisis springs partially from limited scientific knowledge and technology potential, but mainly from lagging political will, worsened by multiple misinformation campaigns by the fossil fuel industry to prevent or dilute climate action.
Peirce, Urban Sprawl Increasingly a Political Issue, HOUSTON CHRON., Oct.
College and Career PreparationNew Survey Finds Education is Top Political Issue for Young AmericansThe "GenForward" survey, conducted by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research with responses from nearly 2,000 individuals ages 18-30, asked them to select the three most important issues to them when considering candidates.
See Eva Holland, For the Gwich’in People, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Isn’t a Political Issue, It’s Home, SMITHSONION MAG.
Minsky, “THE ECONOMY From The Not-So Ivory Tower: The Tax Reform Now Passing Through Congress Evades the Issue Of Fairness…The Political Issue of Tax Reform Will Not go Away”, St. Louis Journalism Review, Oct.
Investigating Journalist Influences on Political Issue Agendas at Westminster.Political Communication 24, 2, 181-199.Davis, Aeron.